


Donate Life Night with the Syracuse Mets is Friday, July 14. 大门在下午五点半开门.m.; game starts at 6:35 p.m. 北州的员工最多可获得四张免费门票. For more information and to receive tickets, contact Michelle Lonkey at 315-464-6128 lonkeym@monkeybeads.net. Community staff should contact Tracey Wilcox at 315-492-5546 wilcoxt@monkeybeads.net.  



Upstate’s Office of Volunteer Programs seeks shadow preceptors

Upstate’s Office of Volunteer Programs seeks health care workers who are open to allowing students and community members to shadow them, 提供宝贵的职业探索经验. Volunteer Programs will handle necessary paperwork, while staff simply offer expertise. 要成为影子导师,请访问:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GZT3LSL. Questions? 给克里斯汀·布鲁斯发邮件 BruceK@Upstate.edu




Loretta Harris & Alyssa Kopper will present Institutional Compliance, Privacy and Ethics July 11  从中午到下午一点.m. 如欲加入,请访问: http://upstate.webex.com/upstate/j.php?MTID=m70f0eb57b0a934de3b39ef1913cae10b. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至Jessica Dow DowJ@Upstate.edu. 参与者将获得CME学分. 




Easy for You, Upstate's tobacco treatment program, will be held Tuesday, July 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 在C3068上州癌症中心. Everyone with an Upstate ID are welcome to receive help quitting tobacco, chew, and vape. 免费的尼古丁替代疗法是可行的. For more information contact Theresa Hankin, or Carolyn Walczyk at 315-464-3519 or walczykc@monkeybeads.net




为帕姆·杨斯-马赫举办的退休招待会, 教育交流, 将于周三举行, 7月12日下午4点至6点.m. 在塞诺的中庭. Pam has served as the director of eLearning for Upstate since 2009. 澳门银河平台社区是受欢迎的. 




Stress Management: Healthy Well-Being for Parents will be held July 12 at 5:30 p.m. 地址:HealthLink/Oasis, 6333 Carrier Parkway, E. Syracuse. The seminar will also be available online via Zoom (link below). 安玛丽Cristino, LCSW, CEAP, 北州雇员援助计划协调员, 将呈现在理解压力上, 压力如何影响我们的生活, 以及管理压力的技巧. For those attending in-person, a monthly support group for parents will follow. To register for the in-person and online session, visit: http://upstate.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApcOmuqzsiHdKUzERYGAtgywFNyPI0w-fh




献血活动将于7月13日中午至下午5点举行.m. 7月14日上午7点,在塞诺大厅的中庭.m. to 1 p.m. in the Performance Center at Upstate Golisano, and July 24 from noon to 5 p.m. 在社区的自助餐厅. 如需预约,请访问 www.Upstate.edu/blood



HealthLink seminar with PAWS of CNY on pet therapy is July 18

与CNY的PAWS合作, learn how you and your pet may be able to offer pet-assisted wellness services in Central New York at a HealthLink session July 18 at 2 p.m. 健康链接/绿洲中心,6333 Carrier Parkway, E. Syracuse. Learn the factors that determine if a dog has the potential to be a therapy dog, 一只狗和它的训练员是如何获得“爪”认证的, and what to expect after being certified as a team member. Participants will meet one of Upstate’s hospital therapy dogs. 无需注册. 



Participants sought for SPROUT pilot project meeting July 24

The SPROUT pilot project seeks women of color who are currently pregnant or have given birth within the past five years to participate in a one-hour discussion on the barriers and facilitators of exercising during pregnancy. 焦点小组将于7月24日下午6点开会.m. 在校园活动大楼120室. 地点即将公布. Participants will receive $100 in appreciation for their time. For more information or to sign up, contact Danielle Hoose at hoosed@monkeybeads.net or 315-481-6013. 




Upstate has a legal and ethical obligation to maintain the public trust and ensure that all staff respect patient privacy. Staff are prohibited from doing any of the following without a work-related reason: inappropriately accessing a patient's medical record, 接近或试图接近病人的, 试图进入治疗区域, discussing a patient’s care with anyone outside of the care team. A work-related reason is one that pertains to treatment, payment or operations. 定期进行审计. Failure to adhere to Upstate's privacy policies and the law will result in appropriate action being taken, 直至并包括终止雇佣关系. For more information regarding your obligations under Upstate’s policies, 打电话给洛丽塔·哈里斯, Upstate首席道德与合规官, at 315-464-4789.




The CNY Biotech Accelerator’s event space is available to rent and includes A/V equipment and a dedicated team to assist with event planning and setup. 欲了解更多有关空间的信息,请访问: http://cnybac.com/rentable-event-space/. For more information and assistance, contact Stephanie Carbone at 315-464-9288 or carbonst@monkeybeads.net




上州风湿病学研究员Christian Geier说, MD, seeks healthy volunteers interested in donating a small amount of blood for research work. 捐助者将获得30美元的时间补偿. 欲了解更多信息和志愿者,请发送电子邮件 GeierC@Upstate.edu




To join all Pathway to Wellness events, use the following link (unless otherwise noted in an entry): http://upstate.webex.com/meet/brisks.

  • 7月11日上午11点,与健康之路一起净化空气.m. Help to beautify the Upstate campus and tell everyone about nicotine replacement comfort kits. 在北州癌症中心的大厅见面. 欲了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至Jackson Tarr TarrJ@Upstate.edu
  • Well NYS Everyday webinar is July 12 from noon to 12:30 p.m. Valerie Ryan, Well NYS Everyday大使, will discuss hiking in New York and exploring the great outdoors. 如欲登记,请浏览: http://oer.ny.gov/wellnys-everyday-webinars
  • First-time home buyer seminar is July 12 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. The State of New York Mortgage Agency (SONYMA) will explain low down payment mortgages for first-time homebuyers and down payment assistance up to $15,000. 
  • 椅子瑜伽是在7月13日中午. Join for a gentle routine that can be performed while seated comfortably. 
  • Walk with Dr. 科曼7月24日中午. Meet by the main entrance of 上州立大学医院, indoors if bad weather. 
  • 与贝丝·塞勒斯一起散步7月24日中午在社区. 在社区礼品店的正门会合. Rain or shine. 
  • Recognizing signs and symptoms of addiction in yourself and others is July 25 at noon for 20 minutes. 珍妮特Price-Kurta, 全州护士同伴援助(SPAN), 将讨论什么是加法, 如何识别成瘾, 去哪里寻求帮助. 只要是纽约州澳门银河平台的人都可以. 
  • Volunteers sought for watering and weeding the Upstate community garden. 菜园里的作物帮助支持上州的学生食品储藏室. 欲了解更多信息和志愿者,请发送电子邮件 Anna Maria Hinman at HinmanA@Upstate.edu




让星巴克振作起来, 位于上州立大学医院的大厅, 现在星期一到星期五早上6:30开门.m. to 5 p.m. 




知情的病人 podcast recently featured interviews on safe exercising in hot weather, reviewing new mammography recommendations and telling how a type of skin cancer can be prevented.

知情患者播客 and HealthLink on Air radio show are produced by Upstate Marketing and University Communications. 知情的病人 interviews are available through various podcast platforms, including YouTube. HealthLink on Air is broadcast on WRVO Public Media at 6 a.m. Sundays. Audio and transcripts of the podcasts and the radio shows are also available at monkeybeads.net/informed.
